Students and Supervision

Recent updates

May 2024, Philipp Ratz defended his PhD thesis, "constraints in fair estimation and games"
June 2024, Samuel Stocksieker defended his PhD thesis, "Contribution of machine learning in modeling rare values and imbalanced data"
Spring-Summer 2025, projects have been proposed for Mitacs Globalink Research Internships such as (45277 ) "interpretability of black box predictive models", (45286 ) "combining decision trees and regression models" and (46665 ) "causal models for machine learning"

Information for graduate students interested in applying

If you'd like to apply for an internship, PhD supervision, or postdoctoral fellowship, please send me a short message, with a CV (academic), and at least 2 names of referees, willing to give feedback and recommendation, with their emails. In return, I invite you (I encourage you to do this systematically when looking for a supervisor) to contact my students to find out more about myself and my mentoring style.
See Helene's page for practical informations, or Allo (also more in French than in English)

Students (and recent supervisions)

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Agathe Fernandes Machado

PhD student (alumni MSc IMT Atlantique, MSc EURIA)
ArXiv:2402.07790, ArXiv:2401.16197

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Arsène Brice Zotsa Ngoufack

Postdoc Fellow (alumni MSc Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny & PhD Aix-Marseille)

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Cassandra Mussard

MSc student (alumni MSc ENSEEIHT & MSc INSA Toulouse)

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François Hu

Postdoc Fellow (alumni PhD ENSAE, MSc Pierre and Marie Curie University)
ArXiv:2306.12912, ArXiv:2310.20508 (selection)

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Olivier côté

PhD student (alumni MSc and BSc Université Laval), co-supervised with Marie-Pier Côté,

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Noé Bosc-Haddad

MSc student, internship (alumni MSc École CentraleSupélec)

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Suzie Grondin

MSc student, internship (alumni MSc ENSAE), co-supervised with Philipp Ratz,

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Florent Crouzet

MSc student, internship (alumni MSc École Polytechnique)

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Julien Siharath

MSc student, internship (alumni MSc Université de Rennes)
CASdatasets vignettes

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Marouane Il-Idrissi

Postdoc Fellow (alumni MSc ENSAI, MSc Université de Rennes & PhD Université de Toulouse)

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Philipp Ratz

PhD student (alumni MSc ENSAE, MSc Bonn Graduate School of Economics, BA Université de Genève)
ArXiv:2309.06627 (), ArXiv:2107.02764 (selection)

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Félix Foutel-Rodier

Postdoc Fellow (alumni PhD Sorbonne Université MSc École Normale Supérieure), so-supervised with Hélène Guérin,

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Samuel Stocksieker

PhD student (alumni PhD Université de Lyon, MSc ISFA BSc Université de Picardie Jules Verne), co-supervised with Denys Pommeret,
ArXiv:2308.02966, ArXiv:2302.09288 (selection)

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Ana Patrón Piñerez

MSc student, internship (alumni MSc and BSc Universidad de Los Andes), co-supervised with Agathe Fernandes Machado (Mitacs fellowship)

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Kim Anh Lê

MSc student, internship (alumni MSc Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

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Rawanda Matar

MSc student (alumni MSc UQAM, MSc and BSc Lebanese University )

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Molly James

MSc student, intership (alumni MSc EURIA, BSc University of Southampton )
nhess:2021-214, s41288:021-002337

Postdoctoral Fellow
Marouane Il Idrissi
Arsène Brice Zotsa Ngoufack

Postdoctoral Fellow (former)
François Hu , Milliman Paris, R&D
Félix Foutel-Rodier , Oxford University
Amirouche Benchallal . Natural Resources Canada
Ewen Gallic , AMSE
Arnaud Goussebaile , ETH Zurich

PhD Student
Agathe Fernandes Machado
(supervised with Ewen Gallic )
Olivier Côté
(supervised with Marie-Pier Côté )
Hongda Hu
(supervised with Alexander Schied and Mario Ghossoub )

PhD Student (former)
Samuel Stocksieker
(supervised with Denys Pommeret )
Philipp Ratz , FEDRO
Enora Belz , Excelcio
Antoine Ly , SCOR Data Lab
(supervised with Romuald Elie )
Diogo Barry, Amadou , McGill
(supervised with Karim Oualkacha )

Graduate Student

Graduate Student (former)
Julien Siharath
Cassandra Mussard
Noé Bosc-Haddad
Florent Crouzet
Ana Patrón Piñerez
Suzie Grondin
Olivier Côté
Gaspard Ichas
Nathan Herzhaft
Kim Anh Lê
Franklin Feukam Kouhoue
Martin de Closets
Rawanda Matar
Lariosse Kouakou
Apollinaire Barme
Elie Odin
Molly James
Enora Belz
Clothilde Davesne
Julie Viard
Ewen Gallic
Clément Pravin
François Portier
Emmanuel Dupuy
Jeremy Payen
Clément Pravin
Benjamin Favetto
Angelo Caria
Kevin Masset
Thomas Anglade
Arnaud At
Gilles Chau
An Dinh
Aurélien Fortin
Marc Lenoir
Jérôme Ternat
Emilie Quémat
Khalil Antoine al Dayri
Jean-Christophe Bouëtté
Jean-François Chassagneux
David Sibaï

Undergraduate Student

Undergraduate Student (former)
Francis Proulx
Arthur David
Charles Tremblay-Bergeron
Marilou Durand