
Predictive Modeling
Insurance & Actuarial Science
Mathematical Economics
Networks & Algorithms
Statistics & Econometrics


Risk & Insurance
Fairness & Discrimination
Statistics & Machine Learning
Mathematical Economics
Climate Modeling


Actuarial Pricing Games
Data Science for Insurance
Fairness & Insurance *

Recent updates - more on the blog

MAT998P, slides for the PhD seminar are now online
The book Insurance, Biases, Discrimination and Fairness (978-3-031-49782-7), will be available on May 27th 2024, according to Springer website
May 2024, I will attend the Optimization Days, at HEC Montréal
        Organization of the Workshop on Fairness and Discrimination in Insurance, at Laval University, Québec
June 2024, I will be in Bruxelles, Leuven, Københavns and Stockholm
July 2024, I will attend the Workshop on decentralized insurance and risk sharing, in Chicago (US)
2024-2025, next year, I will teach STT3030-Statistical learning and STT8330-Theory of statistical learning (if enough students register)