
Predictive Modeling
Insurance & Actuarial Science
Mathematical Economics
Networks & Algorithms
Statistics & Econometrics


Risk & Insurance
Fairness & Discrimination
Statistics & Machine Learning
Mathematical Economics
Climate Modeling


Actuarial Pricing Games
Data Science for Insurance
Fairness & Insurance *

Recent updates - more on the blog

The book Insurance, Biases, Discrimination and Fairness (978-3-031-49782-7), is available (since May 14th 2024 actually), see Springer website
May 2024, Philipp Ratz defended his PhD thesis, "Constraints in fair estimation and games"
June 2024, Samuel Stocksieker defended his PhD thesis, "Contribution of machine learning in modeling rare values and imbalanced data"
July 2024, I will attend the Workshop on decentralized insurance and risk sharing, in Chicago (US)
2024-2025, next year, I will teach STT3030-Statistical learning and STT8330-Theory of statistical learning (if enough students register)