
Predictive Modeling
Insurance & Actuarial Science
Mathematical Economics
Networks & Algorithms
Statistics & Econometrics


Risk & Insurance
Fairness & Discrimination
Statistics & Machine Learning
Mathematical Economics
Climate Modeling


Actuarial Pricing Games
Data Science for Insurance
Fairness & Insurance *

Recent updates - more on the blog

The book Insurance, Biases, Discrimination and Fairness (978-3-031-49782-7), is available (since May 14th 2024 actually), see Springer website
September 2024, Marouane Il-Idrissi and Arsene Brice Zotsa Ngoufack joint as postdoctoral fellows
December 2024, our paper on Post-Calibration Techniques will be presented at the BDU Workshop at NeurIPS'24, in Vancouver
February 2025, we will organize the Montréal - Guanajuato Workshop on Probability and Machine Learning at CIMAT (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas), Mexico