
Arthur Charpentier

Faculté des Sciences (PK)
Université du Québec à Montréal
201, avenue du Président-Kennedy,
Montréal (Québec), Canada H2X 3Y7
EST, UTC/GMT -4 or -5
office PK-5330 - map
Place des Arts - compute route

Information for graduate students interested in applying

If you'd like to apply for an internship, PhD supervision, or postdoctoral fellowship, please send me a short message, with a CV (academic), and at least 2 names of referees, willing to give feedback and recommendation, with their emails. In return, I invite you (I encourage you to do this systematically when looking for a supervisor) to contact my students to find out more about myself and my mentoring style (names and Linkedin pages of my students, current and past, can be found under the students tab).